Wednesday, October 31, 2007

about me

I'm Hussein Al-Haddad, I'm student in ADMC and this is my third year. I studied at Abu Dhabi Commercial School, but I'm studying now Civil Engineering at HCT, It's very difficult in my first year to study engineering because I haven't study math & physics but I'm trying to do my best to get a high mark, to increase my GPA, to continue my degree.

I have a lot of interesting hobbies such as riding horses and playing basketball. I spend my free time watching movies or go camping in the desert. I had BMW X 5 models 2008 and I really love my car.

I'm now sponsored by Abu Dhabi municipality in highway department. I really like my major because I feel that I will be an active person in the future.

Monday, October 29, 2007

What is Global Warming?

This part of my blog is about the meaning of global warming and the important points is to teache the people about the global warming because most of people don’t know the important for this topic. Global warming is a result of the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's surface. In the last 100 years the Earth's near-surface temperature rose from 0.74 ± 0.18 °C to 1.33 ± 0.32 °F. Most of the increase were in the 20th century were the increase of factories and industries and these factors result greenhouse gases which is one of the significant causes of global warming. There are other causes that I will mention the next part of my blog. The important of the global warming is that its affect badly on our plants and there are several effects of global warming and I will also add it in the fourth part.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Causes of the Global Warming

The Earth's near-surface temperature rose for several causes. The scientists divided the causes for two categories the first categories is the neutral causes the natural make it itself without any Intervention of the human hand,such as the sun, volcanoes, and fire in the forests. The second category is human causes. In the 20th century the human try to develop his life to better but when they did their inventions the don’t see the negative side. The main cause that the human created is the greenhouses gases and these gases are created due human activity. The other human causes are carbon dioxide from Power Plants, carbon dioxide emitted from cars, carbon dioxide from airplanes, and carbon dioxide from buildings.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Greenhouse gases

In the past century, the Earth has raised in temperature about 5 degrees, and the most cause of that is the greenhouse gases that result from human activities. The greenhouse gases is work like a mirror, when the sun solar hit’s the surface of the earth it’s must go up again to the atmosphere but as I say the greenhouse gases is work like a mirror over the sky it’s reflect the solar and turns it back again to the earth surface so this result increasing of the earth surface temperature. The greenhouse gases is consist of mix of gases such as 76% carbon dioxide, 13% Methane, 6%Nitrousr Oxide, 5% Fluorocarbons. The percentage of the infrared radiation that passes through the clear atmosphere is 91.3% and the other solar radiation is reflect by the atmosphere, but the 21% of the infrared radiation is pass the greenhouse gases and reach the atmosphere the other infrared radiation is absorbed and re-emitted by the greenhouse gas molecules. The direct effect is the warming of the earth surface and the troposphere.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Effects of the Global Warming

The scientists recorded that the acceleration of the climate change cycle is rolling fast and the increasing of the earth’s temperature is going fast, because of global warming and this results a lot of bad effects. The most series effect of the global warming is hurricanes and floods as natural disasters. The increasing of the earth’s surface temperature is caused many of the unusual hurricanes such as Katrina and the very strong floods around the world. The other kind of the of the effects is the wildlife effects and these are obviously dangerous such as disappearing of many wildlife species in the polar and this come from the melting of glacial. In Addition the increase of the arid land and decrease the agricultural production is a really dangerous effect.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The strongest effect of the global warming

The strongest effect of the global warming is the effects on the weather and causes the hurricanes and resulting the homeless for the developing countries, because they built there homes from a cheap raw materials so they can’t face the storms and hurricanes. The cause of the hurricanes is the huge amount of carbon dioxide that include in the greenhouse gases so all of these are rose the global warming. This negative effect result really bad on the humanity we should do some thing to reduce the greenhouse gases. The problem is nobody cares about these effects so we must tell the people about it by warning them on the TV and other broadcast. This problem if we don’t solve it, it will destroy also the new generation so in that time the life is will be finished.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Global Warming in the UAE

The UAE is one of the victims of global warming and because it’s one of the developed countries the population huge and the number of cars were big, so the result of the carbon dioxide also big. The gulf probably leading the number of cars and factories. While now the UAE is work on to find the solutions to reduce the emissions of the carbon. One of the new and good ideas I found in the article is to setup institution to encourage the transfer the patrol energy of cleaner natural energy to help the countries to reduce the emissions of patrol energy.
And this is the only way to decrease the amount of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and help to end the natural effects.