Saturday, October 27, 2007

Greenhouse gases

In the past century, the Earth has raised in temperature about 5 degrees, and the most cause of that is the greenhouse gases that result from human activities. The greenhouse gases is work like a mirror, when the sun solar hit’s the surface of the earth it’s must go up again to the atmosphere but as I say the greenhouse gases is work like a mirror over the sky it’s reflect the solar and turns it back again to the earth surface so this result increasing of the earth surface temperature. The greenhouse gases is consist of mix of gases such as 76% carbon dioxide, 13% Methane, 6%Nitrousr Oxide, 5% Fluorocarbons. The percentage of the infrared radiation that passes through the clear atmosphere is 91.3% and the other solar radiation is reflect by the atmosphere, but the 21% of the infrared radiation is pass the greenhouse gases and reach the atmosphere the other infrared radiation is absorbed and re-emitted by the greenhouse gas molecules. The direct effect is the warming of the earth surface and the troposphere.


Saeed Al_Katheeri said...

In your opinion, what is the main causes for the greenhouse gases?

Husain Al Haddad said...

i think that there are many causes but the main cause is the human activties